Physical activation

Dillon Business Languages has created this section because we believe that in today's hectic business lifestyle we must take a break. A break that helps personnel build a healthy environment and a close team through the practice of recreational activities.

In a joint effort with Club Loto Blanco we offer Physical Activities for companies through the practice of Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong with Instructors that are recognized and supported by the Templo Shaolin de México, A.C., the USA Shaolin Temple, the International Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association and the Peng You Tai Chi Quan Association.

Taijiquan is a martial art. It's phylosophy is based on Chinese Traditional Phylsophy, on the phylosophy of the Yin and the Yang. Research has proven that the constant practice leads to great health benefits.
It is also meditation in movement. Some of its most particular features are the soft and slow movements that help strengthen the body and help keep it in shape.

Qi Gong is practiced through the repetition of very simple exercises which coordinate movement, breathing and concentracion with the objective of stimulating inner organs, resulting in emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.